Unit Test Fast Approaching: Do You Have What It Takes?

Our Government Unit test is fast approaching - I am hoping that you will be able to demonstrate your political understanding next class. Your unit test will cover everything in Chapter 9, everything in Chapter 10 except civil disobediance, pgs. 275-276 in Chapter 11, and pgs. 294-300 in Chapter 12.
Key focus topics in our unit: "The Big Ideas"
- What is the history, organization and responsibilities of our government?
- What are the basic political ideologies that serve as the underpinnings of Canadian political parties?
- How can individual citizens create change, and be a part of the political system?
- What are some of the major issues facing the Canadian political system - electoral system, electoral turn-out, the Senate?
- What is the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and why is it important?
Be ready to answer multiple choice questions, short answer, and analyse political cartoons.
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