Unit 2: History - Let the story unfold...
We are beginning our history unit with an overview of what the world was like at the turn of the century. We will focus first on Canada during the years prior to World War One, and then we will analyze the events that led to the outbreak of war in Europe.
Key textbook references for this unit will be chapter 1 and 2 in Counterpoints, as well as the class handouts. Main themes for the first mini-unit will be:
- Racism and Discrimination - Immigration policies by Borden, Vancouver Riot of 1907, Chinese Head Tax, Komagata Maru Incident, Treatment of Aboriginal peoples including reserves and residential schools.
- Protest and Dissent - Introduction to early civil disobedience includes Nellie McClung and the Famous Five, suffragettes, trade unions
- Hope and Discovery - New inventions of Victorian Era including the car, radio, manufacturing line; medical discoveries including penicillin
- The British Bullies - Canada struggles to stand up to Great Britain as they are forced to fight for the British in South Africa during the Boer War, while the Alaskan panhandle is given away to the Americans.
Assignment: See uploaded handout.
- A visual summary of the 4 main themes above - "What was Canada like at the turn of the century?"
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