Things To Do: Checklist

It's the last week before the Holiday break, and a good time to get organized.  Before the end of the week, please ensure that you have done the following...

1. Showed Ms. Sawatsky your textbook for a textbook check
2. Completed your intro paragraph assignment
3. Completed your 5 Facts about a dictator assignment
4. Completed your map including key battles with dates...
5. Completed a cheat sheet (1-2 pages tops) with some key information from 132-152 -- this is a personal assignment, and for your own use.  Please show me that you have read the text.
6. Completed webquest.
7. Picked up list of movies/books for Holiday Break

It's a detailed list, but if you're on top of things, there's hopefully not that much to do.  You have 2 classes to ensure that you are caught up, and hopefully able to get some much needed rest the next 2 weeks.


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