This post is designed to provide you with links and activities to help you prepare for your cross-grade. It will be updated continuously as we approach March 26th, so keep coming back to this particular entry.

CROSS-GRADE MATERIAL: Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (essay), 9, 10, 11 - Charter, 12 - Human Rights. A handout with key terms and a test outline was given out today.

1. Excellent review site with online quizzes that will help you prepare. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

  • You are responsible for sections 1-6 for the cross-grade multiple choice. We are currently studying Unit 7 and this might be very helpful for the essay and unit study.

2. Study Buzz. Excellent review site from the Ministry. Create an account and there are tons of review activities.

3. Review Handouts given out at the tutorial session:

Answers are not included - however the questions will guide your study... Students that attend the review session will have the answers if you get stuck.


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