To Separate or Not to Separate

Canadian Identity - Part Two: The last two classes have focused on the great debate between the role that French culture should play in Canadian identity. The first class focused on the rise of the French nationalism in Canada, and the roots of the separatist movement. We then watched clips from the Greatest Canadian: Pierre Trudeau, and examined the October Crisis instigated by the FLQ.

Last class focused on the issue of the referendums - how would Canada be affected if Quebec were to separate, and how would French Canadians be affected? We examined the Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accords, and the rise of the Bloc Quebecois in Quebec politics.

You are responsible for the entire section in Chapter 8, and the powerpoint along the side should help to prepare you. There are also questions from the text that you can use as notes to prepare for our last history test.


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