Week 2 Resources: Demography and Immigration
The focus for Week 2 was on Demography & Immigration. We looked at current demographic patterns around the world, studied population pyramids, looked at Canada's population details, and explored our history of immigration.
END OF UNIT 2 ASSESSEMENT - Monday, May 10 /25
- Open text/notes assignment where you will show your understanding of the course content
- Multiple Choice + Short Answer + One Paragraph Response
Text Pages:
- Immigration - pg. 9, 10-11, 34, 157, 211
- Population - 357-359, 362-363, 371-376, 380-383
- Information on handouts, and videos below
What Do You Need To Review?
- Population patterns around the world - why people live where they live, where places are crowded, where they are not
- Population Density, Population Distribution
- The history of human population growth, and what caused it to grow and expand exponentially
- The nature of Canada's population, and why immigration is an important part of our growth
- Population Pyramids, and reasons why populations grow and contract
- Early Expanding, Expanding, Stable, Contracting
- Case Studies of Historical Immigration in Canada - and their connections to racism, prejudice and discrimination.
- Topics like 'Enemy Aliens'
- White Supremacy - "White Man's Canada" + KKK
- Institutionalized Racism
- Improvements to Canada's Immigration System, and how we are working to dismantle institutional racism.
- Which case studies were most impactful to you? In what ways do you see discrimination, prejudice, and racism in the case studies we examined? Why is it important for Canadians to explore these details, facts, and case studies?
- Why does the United Nations project that population growth is starting to slow down?
What Vocab Terms Do You Need to Know?
- Demography
- Birth Rate
- Death Rate
- Immigration Rate
- Emigration Rate
- Exponential rate of population increase
- Population growth rate
- Life expectancy
- Fertility rate
- Infant Mortality Rate - malnutrition
- Literacy Rate
- Population Pyramids
- Early Expanding – Afghanistan, Sierra Leone
- Expanding – Mexico, India, Egypt
- Stable – Brazil, China, USA
- Contracting – Japan, Russia, Canada
- Age cohort
- Dependency Ratio
- Population Distribution – why people live ‘where’
- Population Density – urban vs. rural - Tokyo
- Canada’s Population and Demography -
- Baby boomers
- Aging population
- Birth rate/replacement rate
- Need for immigrants
- Assimilation - be able to define and give examples
- Vancouver Riot 1907
- Austro/Hungarian/German/Eastern European Internment
- Komagata Maru
- KKK – White Supremacy
- Chinese Head Tax & Exclusion Act
- SS. St. Louis & Anti-Semitism
- Japanese Internment – WWII
- 'Enemy Aliens'
- Institutionalized Racism
- New immigration policy - 1960s
- Bill of Rights
- Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Class Handouts and PPTs:
Helpful Videos and Resources:
History of Human Population
If the World Were 100 People
Hans Rosling: 200 Years in 4 Minutes
Population Pyramids Explained: TED Ed
Human Population Explosion Explained: In a Nutshell
Article: Prejudice and Discrimination in Canadian History - Canadian Encyclopedia
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