Causes of WWII & Road To War

This past week we have spent discussing the causes of WWII, as well as Hitler's 'road to war' - the steps he took before invading Poland and triggering the start of the conflict in Europe.

Here are some of the resources that you may want to use to review for your Quiz on Friday.

Road to War Powerpoint - includes Causes and Sawatsky's 'Ingredients for War'.  Here is the fill in the blanks review and assignment that we discussed in class to help us prepare for Canada's reaction to war.   The quiz outline is the last slide in the powerpoint

We also watched a video in class that is a bit silly, but fairly historically accurate as a way of summarising some of the steps in the lead-up to war.   *** That WWII is an incredibly serious discussion, and we will be approaching the content on a serious and respectful note.  Sometimes, you need a bit of a breather though, so this is a lighter approach.

WWII Oversimplified

This is another animated map that is helpful at showing the steps to war.


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