Population: Chapter 13 &15

Overview of the Population Unit:
1.  Intro to population - we watched the Miniature Earth presentation, discussed the world's population growth, and issues of population around the world.   Here is the handout for our intro lesson.
2.  Our second lesson focused on a discussion of age pyramids - we learned how to read them, and tried to figure out the "stories" that they tell.  Here are the assignment on Age Pyramids that was due for this unit, as well as the notes on Age Pyramids and basic demography.   We also read an article and watched clips from the DVD - Lost Girls by National Geographic focusing on China's One Child Policy.
3. Our last lesson on population focused on a review of basic demographic concepts, the Demographic Transition Model, and a study of population distribution and density.   Here are the Notes on Population Density and Urbanization.   

You have a quiz next day on Population that will be worth around 20 marks.  It will involve all of Chapter 13 and there will be a few political cartoons for you to analyse.   We will then begin our study of Living Standards and Development.


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