The War Spreads

After the last two classes, we have essentially reached 1942 - a time where the momentum shifts from Axis supremacy to Allied power.    We have studied the causes of World War II, as now the early battles.  These include:
  • Early Blitzkrieg - Poland, Phony War, Norway - Winter War, Belgium and Netherlands, and the fall of France & the failure of the Maginot Line. 
  • We discussed the rescue mission of Dunkirk, and the air battle and Blitz during the Battle of Britain - Operation Sea Lion
  • We examined the beginning of Operation Barbarossa and the invasion of Russia
  • Today we reviewed the early battles, and examined the Battle of the Atlantic and the War in the Skies
Next day we will review the homework: Canada and the Economy, and study the homefront issues that faced people during WWII.  After that, we will examine the fall of Nazi Germany. 


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