Charter of Rights and Freedoms

There are a few updates missing since the end of September, but we'll fill in the blanks here.   Since the last quiz at the end of September, we've done the following topics.

1.  Branches of Gov't - Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches.  We took brief notes on this, and there are also text pages in Chapter 9 & 10 for you to refer to. 
  • Here is a powerpoint that will help you understand the different roles of the gov't and branches
2. Jobs in Gov't - We discussed MP's, the PM, the Cabinet, the Senate, & lobbyists, and also discussed some of the controversies and difficult decisions they must face. 

3. Controversies in Canadian Politics - We discussed 4 different controversies:
  • Celebrities in Gov't & the Role of Lobbyists
  • Unequal representation across Canada and regionalism - ex. Western Alienation
  • The First-Past-the-Post System vs. Proportional Representation
  • The Senate - To Reform (change), Abolish (get rid of), or leave as it (Status Quo)
4. Today we discussed Charter of Rights and Freedoms, as well as Civil Disobedience.  You are responsible for knowing the following case studies:
  • Civil Disobediance - Tank Man; G20 Riots in Toronto; Clayoquot Sound in BC
  • Charter Cases from handout


  1. so i watched macgyver and i gotta say it wasnt nearly as impressive as macgruber


  2. SAWWATTSKYYYY macGruber > macGyver
    macgyver is a clown

    -Socials is great



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