The "Roaring" Twenties?!?

There are three major themes that we will focus on during this unit of study.
  1. What innovations - both technological and cultural - occurred during this time period? For example: jazz music, cars, radio...
  2. Which groups of people flourished during this time period, and which groups suffered? See assignment of cartoon boxes for more detail.
  3. To what extent did Canada's independence increase during the 1920's? Ways in which we stood up to Britain (Chanak Crisis, Halibut Treaty, Balfour Declaration), and in which ways did Canadian culture become dominated by American culture?

Discussion: Today's discussion centred around the question of whether or not Canadians are simply "Americans living further north" - an important question for all of us, and one that led to extremely interesting debate in each class.

Today we also examined 4 different handouts that focused on different aspects of the 1920's. It is important that all of these handouts are highlighted and read by the end of next week. Good luck preparing your presentations for next day, and let me know if you need any help.


  1. By 4 handouts, do you mean two double-sided pages?

    Because that's all I have currently.

  2. yes, that's them! each one is a different topic


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