Government #6 - Unit 2: Structure of Government


Once people are voted into power - what happens next? Today we began our analysis into the (very fun and exciting) structure of the Canadian parliamentary system. Our classroom activities consisted of:

1. Unit 1 Quiz - Government (Political Ideologies, Parties and the Electoral Process)
2. Powerpoint on Structure of Canadian government - will be posted shortly
  • Summary of Executive, Judicial and Legislative Branches
  • Roles and responsibilities of different positions within the government including PM, Cabinet, MP's, civil servants and bureaucracy, Senate, Governor General

3. Handout called "Branches of Government" was given out - Study Guide package

HW: Finish fill in the blanks sheet -Roles of Government and highlight booklet

BONUS: Pay attention to the no-confidence vote in Parliament. Vote has been postponed until Thursday. Write a brief summary informing us about the reason for the vote, and the voting results. Due Friday in class.


  1. Hi Ms. Sawatsky.
    What was the bonus assignment about the election?

  2. OHH ive been google-ing for so long for the vote to find out its postponed!! wow..

  3. sorry ishan! but didn't you find that out in your google searches right away?!!?

  4. Canada doesn't come very high up on the elite eyes of Google.

    The vote was 144-117. Motion failure.

  5. lol i wasn't searching no confidence vote.. i just kept looking for house of commons debate :/

  6. Can't say I'm not surprised that Google isn't hot on the heels of our parliamentary debates... cona, you get half marks for researching and posting vote results before class... but not full marks because you're missing the summary.


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